Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Al-anon Bible Study

If you know me well you know I have an alcoholic in the family....if you didn't know that and are now completely shocked, well, it was probably time you found out anyway!

Having that been said, I started this current line of entries because I did a search for "Al-anon Bible Study".  I am confident one exists, but my search left me empty handed, so I am going to attempt to create one. 

I know that in Al-anon God is "how we understand Him", so perhaps that is why there is a lack of actual Biblical correlation.  However, for me, and so many of our Al-anon sisters, God as we understand Him is the loving , one and only true God, who gave of Himself, dieing on the cross for our sins, so that we may live with Him in Heaven forever away from sin, sickness, and sadness. 

There is so much in Al-anon that ties in with the truths of the Bible that I wanted a way to study both of these devotional lives together.  I will be using "One Day at a Time" or ODAT.  Occasionally I may draw from other Al-anon materials, but this one is by far my favorite.  True to it's name, this blog will be created "One Day at a Time", starting with today.

Today's entry is about being cheerful in struggling circumstances.  We have so many things that can trouble us, our Alcoholic, personal problems, sickness, financial woe, etc.  Sometimes it can be exasperating being around the "perpetually cheerful".  It seems like they can never understand what we are going through. 

ODAT's reminder for today is "Just for today, I will be happy.  This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said: 'Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.'  Nobody's life is all dark and cloudy.  Let's look for the brighter and happier things in it.  This often helps to make the clouds disappear!"

I love this quote.  It is what drew me to the al-anon program in the first place.  TODAY is my al-anon birthday.  I really struggled with with the idea that if I make other people happy, then in turn they will make me happy.  Abraham Lincoln's quote emphasized that I am as happy as I decide to be....that isn't up to anybody else.

Thessalonians chapter five has great advice concerning our happiness. 
It reads:  "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  1 Thes 5:16-18  Regardless of our struggles, no matter what they are, God loves us and wills that we be happy and thankful.  It is not our circumstances that determine our state of mind, rather it is often our state of mind that determines our circumstances. 

It is hard to see the silver lining in all situations, but it is always there.  If we look for troubles, we are certain to see them, if we look for things to be thankful for, have an attitude of gratitude, then surely our troubles will be more bearable. 

I pray that for today I will praise before I criticize, give thanks before I complain, and rejoice in all the blessings God has graciously bestowed upon me. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Al-anon birthday. I am sorry you have to celebrate it but glad you are brave enough to celebrate it. May God guide you as you share His Love!
