Thursday, May 26, 2011

In Harmony

That's how I feel right now: in harmony. I've had touches of it here and there, but it is real. When I was more musical and played in a variety of groups, the band not playing together was called happens when one part of the group is playing at a different tempo than another part. Not only does the band need to play in tune to sound right, each member needs to play at the same tempo. The quickest and easiest way to accomplish that is to watch the conductor.

My life, the way I live it, it's like keeping each part of the band harmonized, and at the same tempo. Sometimes, there might be a part that plays solo....the players in the background keep playing, but work, my children, my husband, each take center stage at some point, but never for the whole song. Sometimes, one performs louder...starts beating their drum a little too fast, trying to take over and push me along at a speed that isn't in harmony with the rest of my life. If that is allowed to happen, eventually the whole song will come to a screaching halt, cymbals will crash, the trumpet will fade out on a sour note, the clarinets will be too shrill....and it seems like the only thing that will fix the problem will be to stop, put the instruments down, give up, if nothing else, start completely over and try again.

But it's not done, there is a way to fix it without giving up, without starting again, or finding a new song to play. All of it can come back into harmony, back into the right tempo if I keep my eyes on my conductor, my leader, the one who orchestrates my life. Only God can keep my song together, can make each and every part of my life playing the sweet notes that He intended them to be.

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